The Music Department at Wymondham College has been nominated for raising the profile of music at the college and building strong musical connections with its newly established Wymondham College Prep School.

A key focus for the department has been raising the profile of music within both the College and Prep School. The challenges brought by the financial climate and the effects of the pandemic, which saw a drop in both instrumental and vocal lesson numbers, have been met with a variety of strategic actions. The department has increased collaboration between the College and Prep through joint performances at events like carol services, Easter concerts, and the College’s largest annual musical event, which features both Prep and College students. Instrumental lessons have also been extended to Prep School pupils, with instrumental demonstrations in assemblies to boost the uptake of minority instruments.

Collaborating with the prep school includes senior school music teachers working directly with Prep School students and inviting them to participate in the College’s extensive extra-curricular music programs, including concerts and other musical events. Instrumental and vocal staff also provide lessons to Prep School pupils, further strengthening the musical bridge between the two schools. This has meant increased confidence among younger students, stronger attendance at events, and a growing recognition of the department within the school community

Since joining the PTI, the department has reviewed and updated its schemes of work and learning journeys, incorporating insights from CPD. The focus remains on teaching through hands-on musical activities—whether singing, performing, composing, or listening—underpinned by extensive use of modelling in the curriculum.