Maths - The Warren School - Winner of the 2024/25 Bernice McCabe Award

The Mathematics department at The Warren school won for their work creating a department and a curriculum that fosters a deep love for mathematics in students, in the classroom and through extracurricular activities.

One of the department's key focuses has been increasing the number of students choosing A-level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, particularly encouraging more female students to enrol. Historically, A-level Mathematics classes have had a higher proportion of male students.

To recognise student achievement, the department introduced the Mathematician of the Week award, a practice that has now spread across other departments. Through twilight sessions, teachers have established links between the GCSE higher tier and AS-level, exposing Year 11 students to Year 12 content early on. This approach helps ease the transition to A-level while deepening students' understanding of crucial GCSE skills.

The department also seeks to enthuse students beyond the curriculum with various subject-based activities. Students in KS4 participate in the UKMT Intermediate Challenge and every student in Year 8 visits the Science Museum every year to learn how Mathematics connects to aspects of real life. The department leads on aspects of the National Extended Diploma in Engineering at post-16, a successful option that now has female students as part of the cohort every year.

Professional development within the department is priority. Staff are encouraged to observe KS5 lessons to deepen their subject knowledge. This initiative has been instrumental in expanding the KS5 teaching team, which has grown from only male staff in 2017 to a more balanced team of seven in 2024. Regular meetings include time for staff to share good teaching practices and resources, with a strong focus on problem-solving and developing higher-order thinking.

The Warren School also fosters strong links within and beyond the school community. The annual Futures Evening provides students with opportunities to hear from professionals in careers related to mathematics. The department also organises trips to career fairs and universities, helping students explore pathways and applications of mathematics in the real world.

The Warren School has undergone a transformation since being placed in special measures in 2013 when the school did not achieve floor standards in GCSE passes in English and Mathematics. In May 2024, the school was judged as outstanding, and progress in Mathematics at GCSE is now in the top 10% nationally. Mathematics is the most popular A Level subject in the Sixth Form and in the 2024 cohort female students make up more than half.